ST0454 The Schools Curriculum


This two minute video introduces you to summaries the first CPD workshop on an ABM Teaching Assistant apprenticeship. Erica Farmer talks us through topics discussed and developed including:

  • The National Curriculum
  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Age related expectations
  • Effective learning

Watch the video through and email us if you have any questions.


“So you’ve attended your first workshop – The School Curriculum. We hope you achieved your personal and professional objectives and took a lot away with you.

In this workshop we developed an understanding of the National Curriculum and its relevance for the key stage you are working within.

We explored the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 to provide a solid foundation of early schooling and the learning outcomes from children at this age.

By understanding the characteristics of effective learning we worked through the differences in playing and exploring, active learning and developing creative and critical thinking in children, to set them up for success in life.

We also explored the differences between the curriculums, what is meant by age-related expectations (ARE) and the importance of understanding the progression of skills. The session enabled you to look at the key transition stages experienced by school-age children and when these would generally occur, including transitions between classes, year groups, and key stages.

To underpin all of this we embedded our learning to include the prime areas of personal, social and economic development, physical development and communication and language which is fundamental to a child’s development. Building on this we explored the specific areas of mathematics, literacy, exploring the world and expressive arts and design.

Remember, the children you are looking after will each be on their own development path and because of this we discussed the difference between progress and attainment and how different issues can impact these two factors.

Have you considered the children who you are working with them and what might be the accelerators and decelerators of their attainment and progress?

We are sure you are already reflecting on your learnings from the workshop and considering how you will be putting these into practice. These workshops after all, provide a set of practical skills which can be learnt and developed.

Try out the tasks in this RISE module before taking the assessment quiz. Your results feed straight into your e-portfolio and your Skills Tutor will talk you through the feedback at your next coaching session.”
